Saturday, January 17, 2009

January 17th, 2009
Well the holidays are over and I am going through a case of withdrawl. We had all nine children with their spouses and all four of our grandkids here with us on Christmas day. It was so great to see everyone and just hang out! I stayed up Christmas eve wrapping the last of the presents and then went to bed around 9:30am to catch some zzz's while we waited for everyone to get here so we could open presents. I'm not sure what time it was, but Joseph woke me up with Asher in his arms and I got a big smile on my face because he is so freaking adorable and then I glanced down at his shirt and it said 'only child' on it but that was crossed out and underneath it was the title 'Big Brother' ! My smile grew much bigger and I squealed! So we have Tristan coming in February and a new one again in August. I was talking to Josh the other day at work and I told him I was kinda hoping for a little girl, but he would like a little boy next so Asher has a brother to play with. I still remember the look on Joshua's face when I told him about Johnathan. His eyes got really big and he said "Really, a boy? Are you sure about that?"
So I guess the thing to do is to get Alisha and Emma up here! I thought about sending Alisha listings of job openings up here for paramedics. I could do that on a regular basis. I know Emma is in dance and it kills me that I can't see her performances. I hope Alisha is recording them, that would be a cool Christmas present, a DVD starring Miss Emma Jane Humphries!
Only a few more weeks and we get Jaron and Tayson while Heather and Jason get a much needed vacation to Florida. I can't wait to be able to spend time with those boys, it'll be like old times around here! They are so cute and we are going to have a blast.
Rachelle is singing with the Honors choir at Cottonwood High School on the 23rd and 24th. I am going up there to see it. I had to promise her that I would be good, and not embarrass her. That will take some effort, since everything I wear, say and do is an embarrassment to her. TeeHee. Well love you all Mikey

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Gotcha 'Chelle!

I was driving home from somewhere the other day with Rachelle in the car and she showed me these pictures, but as usual wouldn't let me have them. So when she was sleeping I located them and Joseph helped me put them on my blog. I need to learn how to do all this in the next 6 months so that when Joseph leaves on his mission I can do it by myself.

I really love these pictures because Rachelle is in her volleyball outfit, a sport she throws her whole self into (literally!) and she is so awesome at it. I especially love the one of her and her Dad, they are both so photogenic. She is going to be mad at me when she sees that I have scanned them, but oh well!

Thanksgiving was so much fun. We had all nine children there with all 4 1/2 grandchildren! Alisha took some family photos and I can't wait to see them. I am very blessed to have such a great family. And how grateful I am that we have John as the head of our family. He is the best.

I missed seeing Steve and Kellie and their little ones. I was particularly anxious to see the baby, but was thrilled to be able to see Lisa. We don't get to see her as much so it was a real treat to see her. I walk around in a fog most of the time, and I'm still not sure if it is because of sleep deprivation or Alzhiemers stage one! But I was able to visit a little with Kathy and Judy and Denise and at least get hugs from most everyone else. I love the holidays. It's such a great time to reconnect with everyone.

I wish I could have seen my sisters and my Dad and Mom. I know that she wouldn't know me, but I would like to see her just the same. My Dad is spending a few days with my sister Kathy in Tennessee and I know it will do them both a world of good. I hope he has a wonderful time and will have a safe trip.

Have seen Twilight twice now and loved it. Must see it again. Have a great day!

P.S. It was nice to see comments from Kathy, Reba, Hedge and Cherisa. Sorry about not saying anything Hedge, it wasn't intentional, I just can't remember the right things at the right times. Joseph is helping me. I'll post some more pictures again soon. Love you all.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Holidays

Here in Utah, 2 radio stations start playing holiday music on November 1st. A few days ago I was driving home from work and the theme from Charlie Brown Christmas came on. Music is such a powerful thing. In a nano second I was back on Stahelin looking out my open bedroom window at the snow covered streets and anticipating Christmas. The colored lights on the bushes out front were hidden underneath the snow and the snow had intermitten colors of green, red, blue, orange and yellow. It is a feeling that makes my heart sing. I can see Jeannie in the bed acroos the room and she is just as beautiful as ever, my little La Rotten. I was blessed with a very happy childhood with great parents and THE funnest sisters on the planet. And every Christmas I try to make memories each of our 9 kids can look back on and have warm fuzzy feelings. Now it's all about the grandkids. I love to see their little faces filled with excitement on Christmas morning. Hopefully, they will know that the reason we celebrate Christmas is because of the Savior and they will connect the gift giving and receiving with the ultimate gift that He gave us..... The Atonement.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Just Starting

Okay, so all of my kids have one of these and I can't comment on their blogs without one of my own so.... here goes.
Today is Friday, October 24th and we went to Ashers 1st birthday party. He is such a sweet baby and I can't believe he is already a year old. I still remember his troubled entry into this world and seeing him for the first time with tubes in him. It made me cry, both with joy to see Joshua and Ambers' son and with fear. We weren't sure how long he was going to be in the hospital and I wanted to hold him so much! Now he is strong and healthy and perfect. Amber and Josh have done a wonderful job with him. Heather and Jason were there with Jaron and Tayson. Honestly I don't think the universe is balanced right because all the gorgeous babies are coming to our family! It is so hard not to kiss them 24/7 , I have to resisit the urge though. I don't want them taking one look at me and running in the opposite direction. Here comes kissy face Grandma Terry! It was fun seeing Johnny and Sarah there. Sarah is finally looking pregnant and just as beautiful as ever. I can't wait to meet Tristan and kiss his little face. I was aware, as I always am on these occasions, of those who weren't there. Shayze and Alisha and of course Emma. Rachelle and Jared had previous commitments so they weren't there either. I realize as we continue to grow in numbers and life experiences, it will become even more rare that we are all together at once. I live for those times. It fills my cup as it were.
My job is going well and even though I am tired sometimes I am grateful to be able to contribute in some small way to help daddy. I wish it could be more. I wish I could be there and see momma every day and help daddy in any way I could. I feel out of it sometimes and the ache it creates is palpable. I know I will not see momma again in this life and it brings me to tears. Sometimes, when I am alone I will hear her voice in my head as clear as a bell telling me how much she loves me, pointing out all my attributes, even some that only a mother could see. I always knew that she and daddy loved me unconditionally. What a blessing that is! My sisters are helping out a lot and I am especially grateful for Holly and Jean, and truthfully somewhat envious too.
My family here is wonderful and I am so grateful to them for their support. I was so excited to hear about Steve and Kellies' healthy baby boy! It brought me to tears (jeez I cry a lot) and I can't wait to meet him. I am so grateful to Denise and Mark for opening their home to Cherisa and for understanding when she had to go back to school. I am looking forward to our 'date night' to catch up on everyone.
And finally I would like to tell John how much I love him. How blessed I am to have the best husband ever who spoils me and takes such good care of our family, spiritually and temporally. I love you honey, you are why my heart beats.